All posts tagged VMware vCenter

Datacenters vs Clusters within the vCenter Inventory

Recently I got involved in a discussion about “Creating multiple Datacenters with one Clusters rather than one Datacenter with multiple Clusters” First of all lets get the definitions of these objects summarized (as stated in the vSphere Datacenter Administration Guide) Clusters A collection of ESX/ESXi hosts and associated virtual machines intended to work together as […]

VMware vCenter Port 80 invalid or already in use

While installing VMware vCenter 4.x with Microsoft SQL 2008 (R2) installed on the same system you might get the following error message: The following port numbers are either invalid or already in use. VMware VirtualCenter HTTP Port: 80 By default vCenter wants to use port 80 for the HTTP service and using the netstat command you […]

VMware vCenter Storage Views: Partial/No Redundancy

While exploring my software iSCSI initator environment I noticed that all my VM’s on every host are reporting a “Partial/No Redundancy”-status within the Multipathing Status even though I have Round Robin in place and thus 2 paths to the storage. This behavior is a bug as confirmed by VMware Technical Support. The rule for displaying […]