I recently migrated a few vSphere environments with external PSC’s to vSphere 7 and noticed some PSC leftovers afterwards. Now a lot is already written about the deprecation of the External Platform Services Controller (PSC) deployment model so I will not go into this. What I do want to highlight is the importance of the […]
Migrating to embedded PSC, mind the decommission order.
Batch migrate VM’s with VMware Cross vCenter vMotion (Fling)
VMware already features Cross vCenter Migrations since vSphere 6.0. The biggest constraint for this feature is that you can’t use it via the vSphere Web Client if the vCenter Server instances are not in Enhanched Linked Mode and within the same vCenter Single Sign-On domain. (a full list of requirements can be found here.) If […]
Filtering and Auditing within vRealize Log Insight
The article below describes one of the ways to implement vRealize Log Insight into an environment where a (security departments) syslog server is already available and where this server ideally only receives filtered events and auditing information around changes to the filters. Let’s start of by saying that with the introduction of ESXi6, VMware makes […]
New-DeployRule : Cannot process argument transformation
While doing some vSphere 6 Auto Deploy development I found out that when using PowerCLI 6.3 R1 (latest release when writing this article) and using the New-DeployRule command you will receive an error message stating: New-DeployRule : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter ‘Item’. Unsupported version URI urn:rbd1/3.0
The OVF package is invalid and cannot be deployed.
While deploying a random OVF image within vSphere I received the following error message: The provided network mapping between OVF networks and the system network is not supported by any host.
NSX bug while using Logical Switch as a Destination in the Edge Firewall
While working on a cool VMware NSX project we have discovered a bug within the Edge Firewall when using a “Logical Switch” as a “Destination”. Lets first start off with making troubleshooting easy and adding the “Rule Tag” and “Log” information to the Firewall view.
Failed to attach filter ‘pxdacf_filter’
During a recent customer visit we had a testing environment available on where some VM’s couldn’t be powered on/vMotionned to some of the ESXi Hosts. The error message: An error was received from the ESX host while powering on VM xxxxx. Failed to start the virtual machine. Module DevicePowerOn power on failed. Unable to create virtual […]
Auto Deploy: ESXi Stateful Install with multiple LUNs connected fails
Recently I have been experiencing some troubles with VMware Host Profiles, Auto Deploy and the stateful install of ESXi 5.1 (Update 1). After the Host Profile gets applied, the system eventually times out with the message: “The request failed because the remote server took too long to respond” as indicated on the screenshot below.
Failover difference with SRM4 and SRM5 on HDS VSP
This blog post highlights the technical difference on how vCenter SRM4 and SRM5 do failover with Hitachi’s Virtual Storage Platform (HDS VSP). Credits to Saravanan Mahalingam for delivering this information. SRM 4 SRM4 does not support failback operation SRM4 uses horctakeover command for failover operation. Horctakeover command fails over to remote site and reverses the replication automatically when the […]
vSphere Authentication Proxy: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.
During configuration and testing of the vSphere Authentication Proxy we discovered some problems that make the use of the Authentication Proxy very unreliable within multi Domain Controller environments. In our case we are using the Authentication Proxy in conjunction with vSphere Auto Deploy but the problem also occurs in scenario’s without Auto Deploy.