All posts in category VMware VirtualCenter

Migrate to new vCenter Server while using dvSwitches

During vSphere 4.x to 5.x updates I occasionally run into the situation where dvSwitches are used on the current vCenter4  and the customer wants to install a fresh copy of vCenter5 (with a new dvSwitch). Within this article I will describe a minimum downtime (1 ping-loss or less) procedure to cover this, guided by pictures […]

Datacenters vs Clusters within the vCenter Inventory

Recently I got involved in a discussion about “Creating multiple Datacenters with one Clusters rather than one Datacenter with multiple Clusters” First of all lets get the definitions of these objects summarized (as stated in the vSphere Datacenter Administration Guide) Clusters A collection of ESX/ESXi hosts and associated virtual machines intended to work together as […]

VMFS Datastore Permissions, useful for SRM

Lately I visited a customer who, depending on their customers SLA, provided either SRM protected VM’s (SLA-1) or non-SRM protected VM’s (SLA-2). The technical difference between these SLA’s is that SRM protected VM’s must be placed on LUN’s that are replicated between storage arrays. Different departments are responsible for creating either SLA-1 or SLA-2 VM’s and operational procedures are in place to make sure that the right […]

Creating easy to identify LeftHand Volumes on ESX/vSphere

Coming from mostly HP EVA environments I got used to identify a Volume/LUN by there LUN number which was a real unique identifier. I could always “talk” LUN number and be sure that it was understood and unique. So ever since I’ve been working with our LeftHand environment I disliked the way that every Volume/LUN is marked […]

VMware Update Manager on vSphere – Check the Firewall!

Yesterday I noticed something strange while updating a VI3 environment to vSphere with Update Manager 4.0 The update of update manager went fine as well as the creation of new baselines. Whenever I remediated a Host, the Host went into maintenance mode and the remediate process hangs on 33%. This same behaviour occured when I […]

The Quest of Encrypted VMotion

Last week I was dreaming (don’t even ask…. 😉 about the new VMotion encryption technology that VMware has implemented in vSphere. Since that moment I decided that I want to know more about this feature since there isn’t much said about it at the moment.   Let’s go back before vSphere: Ever since VMotion exists […]