I recently migrated a few vSphere environments with external PSC’s to vSphere 7 and noticed some PSC leftovers afterwards. Now a lot is already written about the deprecation of the External Platform Services Controller (PSC) deployment model so I will not go into this. What I do want to highlight is the importance of the […]
Migrating to embedded PSC, mind the decommission order.
Batch migrate VM’s with VMware Cross vCenter vMotion (Fling)
VMware already features Cross vCenter Migrations since vSphere 6.0. The biggest constraint for this feature is that you can’t use it via the vSphere Web Client if the vCenter Server instances are not in Enhanched Linked Mode and within the same vCenter Single Sign-On domain. (a full list of requirements can be found here.) If […]
The OVF package is invalid and cannot be deployed.
While deploying a random OVF image within vSphere I received the following error message: The provided network mapping between OVF networks and the system network is not supported by any host.
vSphere Authentication Proxy: Failed to bind CAM website with CTL
While troubleshooting the vSphere Authentication Proxy (vSphere 5.1) I ran into a bug which will I highlight in this article. After successfully installing the Authentication Proxy I discovered an error message in the C:\ProgramData\VMware\vSphere Authentication Proxy\logs\camadapter.log: 2012-xx-xx 14:03:35: Failed to bind CAM website with CTL 2012-xx-xx 14:03:35: Failed to initialize CAMAdapter.
Unable to enable the vSphere Authentication Proxy Plug-in
I recently had some issues getting the vSphere Authentication Proxy Plug-in to be enabled within vCenter Server 5.1. This is the error message that was displayed: “The server could not interpret the client’s request. (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)”
Migrate to new vCenter Server while using dvSwitches
During vSphere 4.x to 5.x updates I occasionally run into the situation where dvSwitches are used on the current vCenter4 and the customer wants to install a fresh copy of vCenter5 (with a new dvSwitch). Within this article I will describe a minimum downtime (1 ping-loss or less) procedure to cover this, guided by pictures […]
Datacenters vs Clusters within the vCenter Inventory
Recently I got involved in a discussion about “Creating multiple Datacenters with one Clusters rather than one Datacenter with multiple Clusters” First of all lets get the definitions of these objects summarized (as stated in the vSphere Datacenter Administration Guide) Clusters A collection of ESX/ESXi hosts and associated virtual machines intended to work together as […]
VMFS3 Heap Size (MaxHeapSizeMB)
This article gives you more information on the VMFS3.MaxHeapSizeMB advanced parameter. Let’s start off with VMware KB article 1004424 describing the method to increase the VMFS3 Heap Size in case you see the following error message in /var/log/vmkernel or /var/log/messages log: vmkernel: 8:18:59:58.640 cpu2:1410)WARNING: Heap: 1370: Heap_Align(vmfs3, 4096/4096 bytes, 4 align) failed. caller: 0x8fdbd0 vmkernel: 8:18:59:58.640 […]
vCenter Performance Tab – Real-time vs. Historical Data
Recently I received a question about the Performance tab within vCenter which intrested me. Looking at the available Chart Options we can see that there are two distinctive performance streams: Real-time data Historical data
VMware vCenter Port 80 invalid or already in use
While installing VMware vCenter 4.x with Microsoft SQL 2008 (R2) installed on the same system you might get the following error message: The following port numbers are either invalid or already in use. VMware VirtualCenter HTTP Port: 80 By default vCenter wants to use port 80 for the HTTP service and using the netstat command you […]