Recently I have been experiencing some troubles with VMware Host Profiles, Auto Deploy and the stateful install of ESXi 5.1 (Update 1). After the Host Profile gets applied, the system eventually times out with the message: “The request failed because the remote server took too long to respond” as indicated on the screenshot below.
All posts in category VMware Host Profile
Auto Deploy: ESXi Stateful Install with multiple LUNs connected fails
Posted by Kenneth van Ditmarsch on October 24, 2013
View a .vpf file (VMware Profile Format)
This article describes a very easy method on how to fashionable view a VMware Profile Format file (.vpf) that is used with VMware Host Profiles. Why would you like to read the .vpf file? Certain troubleshooting scenarios would ease you work if you are able to search for a specific content within the Host Profile So how […]
Posted by Kenneth van Ditmarsch on November 14, 2012