All posts in category VMotion

Batch migrate VM’s with VMware Cross vCenter vMotion (Fling)

VMware already features Cross vCenter Migrations since vSphere 6.0. The biggest constraint for this feature is that you can’t use it via the vSphere Web Client if the vCenter Server instances are not in Enhanched Linked Mode and within the same vCenter Single Sign-On domain. (a full list of requirements can be found here.) If […]

Failed to attach filter ‘pxdacf_filter’

During a recent customer visit we had a testing environment available on where some VM’s couldn’t be powered on/vMotionned to some of the ESXi Hosts. The error message: An error was received from the ESX host while powering on VM xxxxx. Failed to start the virtual machine. Module DevicePowerOn power on failed. Unable to create virtual […]

How to quickly discover a "VM to Resource Pool" mapping

Everyone knows the situation in where a (s)VMotion asks you to select a Resource Pool. I would love to see that VMware automatically selects the current VM’s Resource Pool but unfortunately we have to make a selection since it defaults to the cluster. When we leave it to default it obviously causes the VM to […]

VMotion and Exchange 2010, not supported

Just a short blog post about Microsoft Exchange 2010 in combination with VMware vMotion. We are running this combination hosted on vSphere platform and noticed that whenever we vMotion over a Exchange 2010 Mailbox server that is using DAG (Database Availability Group’s), the DAG will fail. 25-05-2011 Update for Exchange 2010 SP1: Thanks to Toti […]

VMware VMotion, how fast can we go?

Lately while I was testing out specific failover behaviors in vSphere, I accidently discovered that VMotion Speeds (MB/s) are logged in the the /var/log/vmkernel, now that’s cool! Issue the command tail -f /var/log/vmkernel and than initiate a VMotion. You should get info like this: Host VMotionning to (receiving) Nov  7 21:13:14 xxxxxxxx vmkernel: 10:06:06:18.104 cpu3:9131)VMotionRecv: 226: 1257624621919023 […]