All posts in category Storage

Failover difference with SRM4 and SRM5 on HDS VSP

This blog post highlights the technical difference on how vCenter SRM4 and SRM5 do failover with Hitachi’s Virtual Storage Platform (HDS VSP). Credits to Saravanan Mahalingam for delivering this information. SRM 4 SRM4 does not support failback operation SRM4 uses horctakeover command for failover operation. Horctakeover command fails over to remote site and reverses the replication automatically when the […]

Using LeftHand Snapshot techniques within a VMware Environment

I recently got a question from the backup architect asking me about LeftHand snapshot techniques to make backups of VM’s. The current storage design classifies VM’s based on their Recovery Point Objective (RPO) per LUN as shown in the overview below. Within this storage design it could be a good solution if we automate LeftHand […]

VMware vCenter Storage Views: Partial/No Redundancy

While exploring my software iSCSI initator environment I noticed that all my VM’s on every host are reporting a “Partial/No Redundancy”-status within the Multipathing Status even though I have Round Robin in place and thus 2 paths to the storage. This behavior is a bug as confirmed by VMware Technical Support. The rule for displaying […]