During some recent Trend Micro Deep Security 9.0 implementations I’ve come across an issue while “Preparing” the ESXi 5.5 Host for Deep Security. This process is initiated from the Deep Security Manager and should normally install the Trend Micro Filter Driver and add some settings to the ESXi 5.5 Host.
While preparing the ESXi 5.5 Host
You will eventually get the error message: “The installation transaction failed”.
This problem is described in this VMware KB article and a work around is described, however, this work around is not complete.
As VMware describes you need to manually install the Filter Driver and you need to add a Virtual Machine group named “vmservice-trend-pg” to the configuration. This VM Portgroup needs to be added to the same vswitch which has been created by vShield.
Last thing that needs to be done, which isn’t described by VMware, is that the Advanced Parameter Net.DVFilterBindIpAddress has to be set to
If you fail to set this Advanced Parameter you will experience “Multiple Errors” as shown by the Deep Security Manager. These errors will include “GET_INTERFACES failed” and “Interfaces Out of Sync” error messages as shown on the following screenshots.
Do note that Trend Micro is mentioning this Advanced Parameter in their KB article (point 9)
Also note that Trend Micro is mentioning that a ESXi Host reboot is needed after changing the Advanced Parameter. In my cases this reboot wasn’t necessary and the systems eventually went “green” automatically within Deep Security Manager after changing the Advanced Setting.
Update 15-09-2014: The ESXi 5.5 Update 2 Release Notes describe that this issue is resolved now:
Trend Micro Deep Security Manager fails to prepare ESXi 5.5 host
When you run the Prepare ESX Server wizard in the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager interface, it fails while installing the filter driver on ESXi 5.5 host.This issue is resolved in this release.
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