While exploring my software iSCSI initator environment I noticed that all my VM’s on every host are reporting a “Partial/No Redundancy”-status within the Multipathing Status even though I have Round Robin in place and thus 2 paths to the storage.
This behavior is a bug as confirmed by VMware Technical Support. The rule for displaying the “Multipathing Status” is as follows:
If there exists 2 or more distinct adapters AND 2 or more distinct targets
MPStatus = Up (Full Redundancy)
else If there exists at least one path whose status is “Up”
MPStatus = degraded (Partial/No Redundancy)
else If there exists at least one path whose status is “Unknown”
MPStatus = unknown (Unknown)
else (for all other cases)
MPStatus = down (All Paths Down)
In case of a software iSCSI Initiator you only have one adapter, thus a single point of failure thus a “Partial/No Redundancy” status. So based on the current Storage Views API rules software iSCSI will always be displayed with a degraded status.
VMware has an open bug for this case at the moment.
/ December 17, 2009He Kenneth,
Is dat puur de wijze waarop vCenter het rapporteerd of ben je daadwerkelijk niet redundant.
Alles goed verder??
Kenneth van Ditmarsch
/ December 21, 2009Hey Alex!
Dat is puur de wijze waarop gerapporteerd word er is wel degelijk redundantie (welke uiteraard ook getest is 😉
/ April 15, 2010Thanks for posting this. I was about to raise a support request with VMware but I wasn’t sure I could cope with the hassle – the missed callback at 17.59pm the following day, the requests for logs without even discussing the problem etc.
Conrad Goodman
/ May 18, 2010Thanks for highlighting this issue! I’ve a very similar setup but round robin and 4 paths, hopefully VMware sort this issue out soon as it’s obviously been going on for some months now and all my hosts are fully patched.
/ November 10, 2010Thanks for the info. Till now it is still an open bug ? Any official link from VMware ?
Kenneth van Ditmarsch
/ November 10, 2010Hi Desmond,
Not that I’m aware off, but haven’t looked into it to be honest.